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Ich freue mich an Ihrem Interesse zum Thema ganzheitlich- integrale Entwicklung. Was erwartet Sie alles in meinem BLOG?

Meine Angebote betreffen die Themen Coaching, Seminare, Organisationsentwicklung und Gesundheit. Daher werde ich zu diesen Theman aus integraler Sicht schreiben.

Ich bin ausgebildet nach dem Konzept Dahlke. Daher fliessen in die Betrachtung stets die wesentlichen Grundlagen mit ein:

  • Die 12 Lebensprinzipien
  • Die Lebensgesetze
  • Die integrales Sicht der Psychosomatik

Ich freue mich!

Olaf Lehmann




Heilpraktiker (beschränkt auf das Gebiet der Psychotherapie) Seminarleiter Organistionsentwickler


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  • Extended Opportunity sagt:

    Are you still using Calendly to schedule your calls and meetings?

    If your answer is yes, then you are actually hurting your business not helping it…

    Calendly is limited, doesn’t unlock the full potential of your business…

    And to make matters worse, they charge you monthly…

    What a joke…

    But you don’t have to worry, because my good friend Kundan is about to change the entire market …

    You see, he just launched his newest creation AI Calenderfly…

    The world’s first appointment-setting app that is fully powered by AI…

    It will do all of the heavy lifting for you on complete autopilot…

    AI meeting scheduling
    AI reminders
    AI tracking
    And much much more

    You can even accept payments live, and collect leads…

    But it gets even better…

    You don’t have to pay a penny in monthly fees…

    Click here to watch AI Calenderfly in action and secure your copy at the lowest price possible…